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Compliance Corner #5
October 28, 2019
WHEN DOES MY LISTING START???...and what date should I enter in Matrix???
Fields to consider:
- List Date/Start Date
- Signature Date(s)
- Delayed Entry Date
Scenario #1
If the LIST DATE and SIGNATURE DATE(S) are the SAME, this is the date your listing legally begins and the date you enter in Matrix as the List Date.
Scenario #2
If the LIST DATE and SIGNATURE DATE(S) are DIFFERENT, the listing legally begins AND the date you should use as the List Date in Matrix is the latter of the two. (Example: List Date 11/1/19, Signed 11/3/19, Listing legally begins on 11/3/19)
Scenario #3
If the listing is subject to a DELAYED ENTRY clause, the listing legally begins on the date determined above in scenarios #1 or 2. HOWEVER, you use the DELAYED ENTRY DATE in Matrix as the List Date. This avoids the accrual of market time prior to entry into Matrix.
Listing Date or Compliance questions? Please email us at:
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