Compliance Corner- Off Market Listings and Uploading Private Supplements


Please note: this article is a snapshot of a message that was posted on the MLS system at some point within the last year.  Things evolve rapidly in our industry, and the information in this article may have changed since it was first published. Compliance Corner articles are not updated after they are published, even if the information contained within has changed.

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Compliance Corner #12

December 23, 2019

Off Market Listings and Uploading Private Supplements

Once a listing is entered into Matrix as Active, you are required to upload the Listing Agreement (LA) or Listing Agreement Compliance Certification (LACC) within 24 hours as a Private–Listing Contract in the Supplement section of Matrix.   All listings entered must have the LA or LACC uploaded regardless of their status in Matrix.  This also pertains to listings that quickly go into an off-market status such as TEMP, WITH, CANC or EXPD. 

Our Data Checker program is configured to verify the proper listing paperwork is in place.  If it isn’t, you will receive a reminder notice that provides you with a deadline for uploading the document without having a fine assessed.  Since listings that have been changed to CANC or EXPD can no longer be accessed/changed by the listing agent, in these instances the Listing Agreement must be sent to the SmartMLS Compliance Department for uploading.  The paperwork should be emailed to along  with the list number and a request for us to upload the document for you because the listing is off market.


Now AvailableCompliance Corner Archive

Have you ever wanted to revisit a past Compliance Corner article that is no longer available in Matrix?  Now you can.  Simply click this link Compliance-Corner-Archive or enter compliance corner in the SMARTDESK search bar and you will be able to view all past articles.

As always, please feel free to contact the Compliance Team for additional information.


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