Compliance Corner- Put your admin in charge!


Please note: this article is a snapshot of a message that was posted on the MLS system at some point within the last year.  Things evolve rapidly in our industry, and the information in this article may have changed since it was first published. Compliance Corner articles are not updated after they are published, even if the information contained within has changed.

For the most up-to-date information on this (or any other topic), please visit our SmartDesk.


Compliance Corner #13

December 30, 2019

Start the New Year off right- Put your admin in charge!!!

We realize that agents would much rather be in the field, doing what they do best (selling real estate) than stuck in the office doing paperwork and following up on compliance emails.  Did you know that we can add your administrative staff to the list of compliance emails recipients?  This can be done for an individual agent or the entire office.  You can delegate the responsibility to follow up, correct issues and provide requested data to them, freeing up your time to SELL, SELL, SELL!

All you need to do is get your admin(s) their own SmartMLS ID and password.  Click here for details and to download the necessary forms. 

Once your admin is all signed up and ready to go, contact our Compliance Team to add their email address to our Data Checker program. 

Please note: each person (Broker, Salesperson, Appraiser and Admin) using Matrix must have their own unique email address – no sharing!


NOW AVAILABLE:  Compliance Corner Archive!

Have you ever wanted to revisit a past Compliance Corner article that is no longer available in Matrix?  Now you can.  Simply click this link Compliance-Corner-Archive or enter compliance corner in the SMARTDESK search bar and you will be able to view all past articles.


As always, please feel free to contact the Compliance Team for additional information.

Send an email to or call us at 203-750-6000.




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