Compliance Corner- Show and Deposit Listing Maintenance



Please note: this article is a snapshot of a message that was posted on the MLS system at some point within the last year.  Things evolve rapidly in our industry, and the information in this article may have changed since it was first published. Compliance Corner articles are not updated after they are published, even if the information contained within has changed.

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Compliance Corner #21

March 9, 2020



We recognize that, sometimes, there can be a little confusion when it comes to maintaining listings that are in the Show and Deposit statuses.  This week’s Compliance Corner attempts to shed some light on the differences between these two statuses and hopefully help you properly maintain those listings until they close.

Quick refresher:

A Show listing is one for which there is an accepted offer to purchase, but the listing remains on the market for backup offers.  Show is an available for sale status.

A Deposit listing also has an accepted offer, but the seller has not requested the listing remain on the market for backup offers, thus the listing is considered to be “off market”.


Do Show or Deposit listings expire?

A listing that is in the Show status will expire when it reaches its expiration date.

A listing that is in the Deposit status will not expire, even after the expiration date has passed.  It will remain in Deposit until you go in and mark it Closed.

As always, please be cognizant of the expiration dates of all of your on market listings.


Extending the Expiration Date on a Show or Deposit listing

If you have a listing in the Show or Deposit status, there is a newly enhanced form in Add/Edit that will easily allow you to update both the Expiration Date and the Proposed Closing Date (PCD) fields at the same time.  If you are extending a Show or Deposit listing, it is advisable to also extend the PCD at the same time.  If the PCD passes before the listing closes, you will encounter Matrix errors when trying to close it.

NOTE: Deposit listings will never expire.  However, if you are in a very specific scenario where you must extend the expiration date on a Deposit listing (ex: Relocation company, HUD, bank-owned, etc.), this will allow you to do so.


Go to Add/Edit, choose the desired listing from the Select a Listing drop down list and click Extend Expiration Date.  It will pull up this form:


You will see the current Expiration Date and PCD on the left; use the fields on the right to enter the new dates for these fields, then click Submit Listing.


OOPS, My SHOW/DEPOSIT listing expired, now what?

Changing an Expired listing to Closed

There are some instances where a listing that should be marked Closed has expired in Matrix.  In these situations, you need to send us an email ( that includes all of the relevant closing information:

  • Contract Date
  • Sales Agent
  • Proposed Closing Date (PCD)
  • Closed Date
  • Sales Price
  • financing
  • Concessions (if any)
  • Where sellers are going/ buyers are from

Once MLS staff gets this information, we can go in and update the listing accordingly.


Compliance Corner Archive 

Have you ever wanted to revisit a past Compliance Corner article that is no longer available in Matrix?  Now you can.  Simply click this link Compliance-Corner-Archive or enter compliance corner in the SMARTDESK search bar and you will be able to view all past articles.

As always, please feel free to contact the Compliance Team for additional information.

Compliance questions?  Send an email to or call us at 203-750-6000.


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