Penalties for Inaccurate or Incomplete Data


These Rules and Regulations are set up to give the buying and selling public the best possible service and to facilitate cooperation between Participants. The listing agent and/or office will be notified in writing or by electronic means if there is a violation of the Rules and Regulations. The listing agent and/or office shall be assessed a fine for each violation below. The following schedule has been established by the Board of Directors.

The progressive fine schedule is per agent per offense. Repeat violations within a 365 day period will result in fines according to the schedule outlined below. Fines will be billed to the listing agent and/or office. The purpose of the Multiple Listing Service is to provide the most accurate, comprehensive, and timely information possible to subscribers to the Service. The Service utilizes technology solutions to help identify errors in the data and will make every effort to assist Subscribers in both identifying and correcting data errors in their listings. While the Service prefers an educational approach to correcting data errors, the fine schedule below exists to prevent abuse and/or neglect of the Service data policies.




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