Compliance Corner- Direct Waterfront





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Compliance Corner #55

April 29, 2022


What is considered Direct Waterfront?

Direct waterfront is any property that directly touches or borders a body of water.  This does NOT include properties that have a view of the water, are in a beach neighborhood, or are in walking distance of water.  That means properties that are part of a water community or within a beach association must directly touch the water or they are not considered direct waterfront.


Where do I select Direct Waterfront?

There are two spots you can select direct waterfront for your property.  You can select it in the Waterfront Features, where you can select up to four options that match your property; or you can also select the Direct Waterfront Flag, a Yes/No option that will allow other agents to search for properties with Direct Waterfront.




Examples of items that do not count as direct waterfront: Pools, Empty Pools, birdbaths, fish tanks, sprinkler systems, puddles, fountains, snow, etc.  Examples of items that do count: Moats.

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