Compliance/ Rules & Regulations


In an ongoing effort to provide an MLS system with the most accurate, dependable information possible, SmartMLS has developed a very diligent and proactive Compliance department that polices all listings for MLS rules violations within numerous fields. 

When violations are found, Compliance will reach out to the list agent via email, clearly explaining the field(s) that are problematic and providing a reasonable time frame in which the issue should be resolved before further action (in the form of fines) becomes necessary.

The goal of Compliance is not to punish our membership, but rather to educate on how to properly follow the MLS rules and create the most accurate data possible for the benefit of all.

It is highly suggested that everyone visits our About SmartMLS Compliance page. Here you will find a plethora of information regarding the purpose of Compliance, along with links to the SmartMLS Rules and Regulations, an online form for anonymously reporting a possible violation on a listing, a Top 10 list of Compliance tips, and much more.

We have also created a list of Fair Housing words and phrases that is intended to provide general guidelines to assist in complying with state and federal fair housing laws and nondiscriminatory practices. 

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